Tuesday, July 30, 2013

3# English Assignment (Experience And Feeling)

YO!! 'Sup Guys???
In this post i will tell to you about my experience on English lesson today (30/07/13) and my feeling about English lesson on my school..... ヽ(^o^)ノ

Today, I was veeeery Happy on English lesson at school
We performed our dialogue in front of the class... Dialogue about Expressing Feeling, Surprising, Warning, Permission, Advising....

The first group was Reni's Group.... Her group's performance was very good..... They spoke English very fluently..... My teacher said "When you say "Good" on your comment, then no say but, but", understand?.
It like "Their performed was good, but...."... Yup like that... (✌゚∀゚)

When my group's turn..... I was very nervous.... ((⇀‸↼))
We set the properties (Only 2 chairs)....
And then before we started our dialogue, we introduced ourselves...
And.......... Start...... Finish! ヽ(^Д^)ノ

I was very nervous on my performance.... But it was finished...
When the comments time.... My friend, Kohan said my group's performance was very good...
I was glad to hear that.....

When the fifth group performed..... I very like this group's performance..... \(^o^)/
Why??? Because when this group performed... They were funny! very entertained...
My classmates have a good time for laughed! It was very very funny performance and great!!

I love English lesson on second grade of High School.....
We learn the English without any stress.... We have laugh and happy together....
Not really really serious until this brain overload..... Hahahaha... XD
I very like this.... And enjoy it....
It was different than English lesson on first grade of High School....

I hope it always like this.... Laugh and Happy.... (•‿•)